Stephen Carver
Fear of Flying – Dealing with Change and Risk
Stephen is an internationally-renowned speaker and lecturer at one of Europe’s top MBA Business Schools – Cranfield. He has spent most of his working life in ‘real business’ and his attitude is “if you haven’t done it – you shouldn’t be teaching it!” Prior to academia, Stephen worked on projects for the oil business before moving on to work at Virgin as Project Manager of a scheme cooked up by Richard Branson to build the World’s largest Clipper ship – and put Harrods in it! He now consults to some of the best-known organisations in the world.
Within this session Stephen will affirm that ‘change is risk – but it is also opportunity’. Project and Programme management are the conventional tools for managing risk, but recent cutting-edge research has identified that these conventional methods could be missing more than half the picture in the dynamic and complex markets that we currently navigate. Using the analogy of flying, Stephen will explore how projects and programmes can be managed in different ways and so improve change and risk management approaches. From flying solo to orchestrating the Battle of Britain, Stephen will show attendees how to get off the ground and lose their fear of flying with projects and programmes.
Running Order:
12.00pm Registration & Networking
12.15pm Welcome and Opening Remarks
12.25pm Stephen Carver: Dealing with Change & Risk
1.10pm Q&A and Discussion and Closing Remarks
1.30pm Lunch and Networking
2.00pm Event Close